Palm oil mill plant
Our company is professional in manufacturing palm oil mill plant for years. We can offer the full palm oil production line and turnkey project.The complete palm oil mill plant include palm oil press production line ,palm kernel oil press production line and palm oil refining production line .
Palm oil press production line of palm oil mill plant :
Palm oil press production line of palm oil mill plant :

Palm oil press machine
1. Raw materials reception and storage
Workers pick fresh fruit bunches (FFB) , transport them to factory with cars, get the weight by Loadometer and discharge them to material platform which is specially designed for crude palm oil processing, laying up for latter process. Open the gate of discharging platform, FFB would fall down to the conveyor automatically and be sent to sterilizing section.2.Sterilizing section
The function of sterilizing, known as stewing in high temperature, is to avoid the deterioration of fruit. This section can avoid the increase of palm oil AV by stewing the fruit about 60min with 300kPa steam in a specialized sterilizer.
3. Threshing section
The palm fruit proportion is about 60% of the FFB. In this section, we always use rotating drum thresher to separate palm fruit from the bunches.
4. Crashing
The purpose of crushing is to destroy palm skin, separate the palm pulp and nuts, pound palm pulp and to damage the cell structure of palm pulp by heating at the same time, which avail the latter pressing section.
5. Pressing
In crude palm oil processing, screw oil press is common equipment we use, the outcome of which is mixture of water, oil &residue and presscake (fiber cake).
6. Crude palm oil
Separate the fiber from the mixture derived from pressing by subsidence and filtration, after continuous subsidence we can separate oil and precipitate. With another filtration and vacuum drying, the oil is just crude palm oil as we say.
Palm kernel oil press production line of palm oil mill plant :

Palm kernel oil press machine
Cleaning is a series of operation to remove impurities in oil seeds. - See more at:
Cleaning is a series of operation to remove impurities in oil seeds. - See more at:
2.Palm kernel crushing: Because the palm kernel is hard and big size, it is requir It is used for removing the iron impurities, stone, fiber and others. These impurities are bad for machines, especial for the palm kernel expeller.ed to crash to smaller and even pieces.3.Palm kernel and nuts shell separation. Both dry and wet separations are available. Wet separation is mostly used in palm kernel separation, on basis of difference of relative density of palm kernel and shell.
4.Palm kernel drying. Fresh kernel contains 20% moisture. Palm kernel has no mildew during transportation and storage while moisture drops below 7%.
5.Cooking section: It is used for heating and cooking the crashing materials, to make is suitable for pressing, doing like this can help final user get the maximum oil and good quality cakes.
6.Palm kernel oil pressing. Palm kernel oil pressing production line is simple with usual oilseeds. The pre-pressing by oil pressing machine can obtain 1/4 palm kernel oil, and residual oil need twice pressing.
7.Palm kernel Filtering section: after pressing, there are some oil dregs in the crude oil, after clarifying, we need to filter the crude oil to avoid to jam the oil pipes during refining processes.
Palm oil refining production line of palm oil mill plant :
The palm oil refinery plant work flow:
Crude palm oil---Degumming---De-acidification---De-colorization ---Deodorizing--- Fractionation---Refined palm oil

Crude palm oil and crude palm kernel oil refining process
2. De-colorization Section: Palm oil de-colorization section is mainly used to remove oil pigment, residual soap and metal ions during palm oil milling process.
3. Deodorization Section: Palm oil deodorization section composes of part of crude palm mill processing equipment. It plays important part in improving oil quality after crude palm oil process.
4. Fractionation section: Palm oil fractionation plant devides into 3 parts, crystallazing, crystall growing/maturing, and filtration. After palm oil fractionation plant, palm oil is separated to several parts with different melting points, which can be used in different industrial usages.
The application of palm oil refining production line :
Various kinds of crude cooking oil can be refined by the same crude palm oil refinery process plant, such as crude cotton seed oil, crude sunflower seed oil, crude flaxseed oil, etc, because in general, the main components of oil is same.