Physical refining for palm kernel oil
The physical refining process consists of three main parts:
1) Dry degumming:
In the dry degumming, the crude palm oil is mixed with food grade acid to remove the free fatty acids.
2) Bleaching:
degummed oil is mixed with the soil that is a vacuum level, where it is dried and de-aerated. The bleaching earth absorbs the main particles of color bodies as well as metal contamination and oxidizing materials in the oil.
3) Distillation / Deodorization:
The bleached oil is first de-aerated and heated where any remaining air and volatile materials are removed.
The oil then enters the deodorizer section where the main body of free fatty acids and other volatile odor and taste substances are removed from the oil.
The oil leaving the deodorizer is cooled to storage temperature and then passed through one of two alternately working polishing filters.
The product obtained is refined bleached and deodorized oil (RBDO).
To a free flow fractionation process, the separation of the liquid phase from the solid phase is possible.

Palm kernel oil refining process
Palm kernel oil refinery plant featured advantages:
Palm kernel oil refining processing line adopts advanced and scientific physical refining and totally stainless steel tank refining. Palm kernel oil is non-drying oil with low gum content, which is suitable for physical refinery. Fatty acid composes of 45%-51% lauric acid and 13%-25% cardamom acid. Palm kernel oil contains soap grade and food grade.The process of Palm kernel oil refinery is to refine the crude edible oil, to remove gossypol, protein, phospholipid, grume, moisture and other impurities, in order to reach the purchase of food and storage.The process of palm kernel oil refinery includes mechanical refinery method, chemical refinery method and physical refinery process refinery process.