Palm oil to biodiesel
Palm oil to biodiesel, why ?
Biodiesel, also named fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), is a clean renewable energy, which is a liquid fuel derived from chemical reaction between methanol and natural oil. The materials of biodiesel could be all kinds of animal and plant oil. However, the price of most oil is too high, meanwhile, 75% of biodiesel cost is material, thus, cheap palm oil is the best choice for biodiesel as material.

Palm fruit bunch reception section
Palm oil to biodiesel, how ?
However, crude palm oil derived from pressing contains many free fatty acid, which lengthen the time of direct esterification and consume vast alkaline catalyst and produce soda soap. Which means before biodiesel preparation, alkali refining, drying and filtration are necessary pretreatments.

Palm oil to biodiesel process
Palm oil to biodiesel, theory:
Crude palm oil after pretreatment would react with methanol affected by alkaline catalyst in reaction kettle and produce FAME, in another word, biodiesel.Palm oil to biodiesel, optimum:
The following suitable condition for transesterification of the palm oil obtained: molar ration of methanol to oil 6:1; and amount of catalyst 0.6% of the oil weight; reaction time 60min; reaction temperature 60℃. And the oil yield may reach 96% on this condition.
The process is mature, and it costs little for equipment. It’s suitable for medium-sized and small-scale production.